14 Haziran 2011 Salı

Weak Obese?

Weak Obese?
In order to understand whether you are a healthy weight, your age, height, physical activity, and sex is important to have the required amount of fat. Those who have already met with obesity is over this range. Accordingly, your weight is normal or low muscle audience, audience is high fat obese may be weak. In such cases, some danışanlarımızda also live in the clinic to gain in weight program.
In our age, poor nutritional perspective, high-calorie junk-cuburla Later, saturating our health are taking a serious danger. The prognosis 'stop' if the table denilmediği very scary, all the adults in the world in 2230, unfortunately, 'obese' will. Obesity is not very pleasant, of course, the bill, with a doubling of mortality rates in recent years, there is a relationship between obesity also want to remind. Please note that excessive weight gain, causing death at an early age.
So what do you do body fat analysis, who do not have one discussion? In this case, the best assessment of waist / hip ratio measurement. Waist thickness and survival at first glance may seem difficult to establish a link between. However, recent studies in the medical world, waist clearly illustrated the connection between the thickness and duration of life. That is part of the body's waist should be more fat birikmemiş. Belin thickness, an indication of the amount of body fat. Remember, fat has accumulated around the waist, hips or thighs collected from other areas such as health risk is much more than oil. Accordingly, the thickness of the waist in men 102, women should not be more than the 88. Waist / hip rate in males 1, females from 0.8 should not be large. To determine a person's risk of heart attack outside the clinical findings, described above, it is possible to evaluate the anthropometric measurements. Evaluation of weight to height called the Body Mass Index, a measure generally accompanied by many internationally used waist / hip ratio findings çizebilmektedir a clear point of view. Measured with a device called a caliper lubrication is another method of the tests, but this requires professionalism. This is a simpler form of 'pinch Method. Hole çimdikleyen side of a man, more than four inches, two and a half inches in a woman tutamamalıdır more skin.
Americans want to put a good spot with the promise of this issue. Remember, "First on the lips, than on the hips'. To sum up falling victim to your taste, do not miss much. One is a well, a thousand I think and try to eat everything in the decision. Lips between the hips are collected and easily in the sockets have a look no intentions to leave. Prevention science of nutrition is also very valuable, as in all areas of medicine, without a serious increase in weight and fat should learn to take precaution.

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